Unable to Accept Clients From:
Afghanistan, American Samoa, Albania, Belarus, Bermuda, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Burundi, Canada, Central African Republic, China, Crimea, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Guam, Iran, Iraq, ISIL(Da'esh) & Al-Qaida & The Taliban, Romania, Haiti, Liberia, Nicaragua, Tunisia, Ukraine, Russia, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Montenegro, Myanmar, North Korea, Puerto Rico, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sevastopol, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, United States of America, United States Virgin Islands, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.
* QFTD stands for Qualifying First Time Deposit. Valid clients referred to Vantage through ad partners' AppsFlyer attribution link must register for a Live account and make a valid deposit on the app. The client will also need to be an active trader on the Vantage App in order to be a Qualifying First Time Deposit. Metrics used to determine if clients are QFTDs include, but not limited to, the number of trades, volume traded and net deposit.